Your Guide to Downhill Demesne and Mussenden Temple in Northern Ireland

Sculpted after Tivoli’s famous temple of Vesta in Italy, Mussenden Temple is one of the most iconic buildings in Northern Ireland. It ensures unparalleled vistas along Benone Strand right out to Magilligan Point and a fascinating history.

Originally built in 1785 by a wealthy earl as a summer library by the sea, the temple balances on a 120-foot seaside cliff above Downhill Beach and is looked after by The National Trust.

As the Earl Bishop was a keen collector and traveller, the temple was fully furnished and adorned with paintings and statuary in its heyday. A hatchway in the floor led to a secret chamber underneath the temple where Catholic priests would hold mass.

When it was built, the temple sat just 30 feet from the edge of a cliff, and a horse and carriage could once easily go around it. But in the 200+ years, erosion has worn much of the cliff face.

*Did you know – To protect the books from the damp, the library was heated by a fire burning in the basement room underneath.

Read More: Northern Ireland Travel Guide: 9 Amazing Things to See and Do in Derry

The temple was named in honour of the Bishop’s cousin Mrs Frideswide Mussenden.
Blooming flowers at the Demense Gardens

About the Downhill Demense

The cliffside location is also the home of the Downhill Demesne, an 18th-century mansion, originally designed in the 1770s. by the architect Michael Shanahan for Dr Frederick Hervey, the Bishop of Derry and 4th Earl of Bristol.

Unfortunately, little remains today of the Earl-Bishop’s splendid residence at Downhill. Despite the mansion being in ruin, its former splendour is obvious. 

In 1851, a fire damaged parts of the house, including Bishop’s extensive art collection – it is said notable works by Rubens, Correggio, and Tintoretto were destroyed. Restoration of the mansion started in 1870 and the house was kept in a largely similar style, with a few alterations to the interior design and layout.

During WW2, the mansion was used as a quarantine for RAF servicemen and women. After the war, the house maintenance became too challenging – the mansion was dismantled and much of the surrounding land was sold off.

In 1980, the National Trust took over the ruins, temple and some of the surrounding land.

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Ruins of the Downhill Demense in Northern Ireland

Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne today

Today, the National Trust still owns the temple and the grounds and remains an iconic beauty spot along the Causeway Coastal route.

The Temple is a licensed wedding venue offering a unique location and stunning views. This could be perfect if you plan on getting married and looking for a secluded, intimate spot with dramatic coastal scenery.

It is also a particular favourite of visitors and photographers who regularly stop by to savour the staggering views over the Atlantic.

In June 2024, a rising star of the American roots music scene, Jake Blount will perform inside the Temple’s 200-year-old walls with his unique, modern take on folk traditions.

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Rory Friers performs at the Mussendan Temple – picture courtesy of Nationa Trust

Things to see and do Beyond Mussenden Temple

Don’t just stop at the Temple and the ruins.

Walk around the estate, and check out the monuments, and walled gardens which back in the day provided fruits, vegetables and flowers for the mansion. See the arboretum with its rare and non-native trees and the Bishop’s Gate.

Soak up the coastal views and explore some trails which are all easily walked.

As the temple is located in the Binevenagh Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there are loads to see and do when it comes to cultural and natural heritage

There’s the Bann Estuary with shifting dunes. There’s a striking basalt headland of Binevenagh which we were fortunate to see as we arrived from Sligo.

The train travels trough the cliffs and past the golden sands of Benone Strand
One of the temples on the site.

If you time it right, you can also see the famous Northern Irelands train service from Derry/Londonderry to Belfast which rides through the Downhill tunnel below the Mussenden Temple. It was featured in Michael Palin’s Television series ‘Great Railway Journeys of the World’

During the building of the railway, two tunnels, named Downhill and Castlerock, were cut and blasted. To this day, they remain the longest railway tunnels in Ireland, measuring 668 and 307 yards.

You can explore nearby beaches Portstewart Strand, Banone and Downhill or hike along the North Sperrins Way, the Ulster Way or the International Appalachian Trail.

Further afield, you could sample some fine whiskey at the Bushmills Distillery, play a round of golf at Royal Portrush or Poetstewart, or you could even visit Giants Causeway and see the fascinating sight of 40,000 massive black basalt columns sticking out of the sea. 

Read More: A Short Guide On How To Visit Belfast Castle In Northern Ireland

Ballycastle Beach is located on the Causeway Coastal Route on the Antrim Coast.

Where to Stay Nearby

Bishop’s Gate Lodge |  a wonderful holiday cottage located a short walk from the demesne with nature and beauty on your doorstep. The lodge has a woodburning stove and the bedroom’s window looks over a beautiful garden with old stone walls.

  • Guests – 2, Bedrooms – 1

Burrenmore Nest |  nestled amongst scenic forestland on Northern Ireland’s sweeping coast, Burrenmore Nest is three glass-fronted treetop lodges that come with al fresco whirlpool baths, luxury shower facilities and a well-equipped kitchenette that cater to adults only.

  • Guests – 2, Bedrooms -1
Bishop’s Gate Lodge – photo courtesy of National Trust.

Additional Info & Facilities

  • There are toilets, a car park and Als Coffee Bar at Lions Gate
  • Address: Mussenden Road, Castlerock, County Londonderry, BT51 4RP
  • Downhill Demesne is open daily from 10am to 5pm, Access is through the Bishop’s Gate and Lion’s Gate entrances.
  • Parking is free for National Trust members, but for the rest of the visitors, it’s £7.50 per vehicle all day.
  • Mussenden Temple is closed to the public (except as part of a guided tour or special event) 
  • You can bring your dog, but you have to keep ‘em on a lead
he Dovecote & Ice House within the walled Gardens

Getting To The Mussenden Temple

Mussenden Temple is a five-minute drive west of Castlerock, on the Causeway Coast and about 20 minutes west of Coleraine – take the A2 (Mussenden Road) out of town towards Downhill.

  • From Derry – It can easily be reached in under an hour from Derry~Londonderry
  • From Belfast – you can reach it under 1 hour 15 minutes from Belfast by car.
  • By Train – Castlerock train station is about 1/2 mile away 
  • By Bus – the Coleraine to Limavady bus will drop you near the demesne

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Now, over to you!

Have you been to Mussenden Temple? Let us know in the comments!

Let us know if you are plotting a visit to Mussenden Temple and have travel-related questions!

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Our Crossings follows the daily adventures of Latvian expats living in Sligo as they surf and explore the world

74 thoughts on “Your Guide to Downhill Demesne and Mussenden Temple in Northern Ireland

  1. What a spectacular location. Imagine the history of those ruins, the mansion and the temple and the stories that lie inside. Extraordinary. I can also imagine that a music performance there would be pretty special. The National Trust clearly do a fabulous job in preserving these significant sites. Thanks for sharing this amazing location Aiva.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it, Miriam. I love the idea of a library by the sea – imagine being bundled up in the cosy temple overlooking the ocean with a book in hand on a moody autumn day! The estate is worth visiting if you travel along the Causeway Coast as there’s so much to see and do. Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is going well. Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is! I love Mussenden Temple as much as its coastal location. It’s not difficult to imagine the Earl taking a leisurely stroll from the manor house down towards the seaside cliff with a book. The walk itself is rejuvenating. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That was my initial thought as we walked along a well-marked pathway, straight from the manor house exit, toward the sea and the temple – where are the windows? They are on the other side facing the rugged cliffs and the everlasting ocean – such an amazing location for a library! Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful day 🙂 Aiva xx


  2. What an interesting post on a place I’ve never heard of Aiva. A library in such conditions in the day would have been tough to upkeep for sure, fire or no fire in the basement. Too bad about Downhill Demesne, but you can’t save every building. Great shot of Ballycastle Beach. Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday. Allan

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s an amazing place to explore and take some photos of the rugged Northern Ireland Coastline from an elevated viewpoint- it would be a challenge to find a more dramatic headland up north than Downhill Estate. The library was closed during our visit, but the weather was lovely and we had a chance to slowly walk around the walled gardens and the ruins of the demesne. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Can you imagine getting married in a place that was once a library? The views, the rugged coastline, the temple walls and the dome above, and the cycle of Atlantic waves 120 feet below would be perfect for a memorable wedding day. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it. The Temple and the surrounding views are among the most photographed scenes in Northern Ireland and when you visit it will be very apparent why this is the case. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx


    1. Thank you kindly 🙂 Finding a more dramatic headland in Northern Ireland than Downhill Estate would be a challenge. These breathtaking views stretch across the North Coast as part of the Binevenagh Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The cliff-top walks are a favourite with locals, tourists, hikers and photographers alike. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Then you have to visit the temple, Marie – perched dramatically on a 120 ft cliff top, high above the Atlantic Ocean on the north-western coast of Northern Ireland it offers staggering views. The walled gardens are beautiful, too and so is the ruined demesne 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly: I am glad you enjoyed the tour around the Mussended Temple. We had a warm and sunny day for exploring the ruins of demense and its surroundings and had the best time. I hope you get to visit Ireland one day as there’s so much to see and do Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Christie 🙂 Yes, you are right – all those coastal routes never fail to offer beautiful views worth stopping for. As you travel along the Causeway Coast, there are plenty of castles, viewpoints and cliffs to see and explore. I hope your summer is going well 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! It was once possible to drive a carriage around the Temple. I am glad that the National Trust carried out cliff stabilisation work to prevent the loss of this lovely building. Given that the Temple itself could still be in danger of being lost to the sea due to erosion – many experts say that escalating storms and extreme weather caused by climate change will increase coastal erosion with many Irish landmarks unable to be saved – we try to visit the site as often as possible. I hope your summer is going well 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a picturesque place! The Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne look like enough reason for anyone to visit this corner of Northern Ireland. It’s interesting that the temple was actually inspired by the Temple of Vesta. It’s a testament to how we’re naturally drawn to beauty and how much many of us want to bring it closer to home. The irreversible loss of artworks created by the likes of Rubens that were once housed in the mansion is such a tragedy, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Bama 🙂 I am glad you enjoyed the tour around one of my favourite places in Northern Ireland. You would love the views of Ireland’s North Coast and some of the Scottish Western Isles on a clear day as you can see Islay & Jura. You know, as I was walking around the ruins of the mansion trying to imagine what it looked like in its heyday, I came to realise that nothing lasts forever, everything that is here today, will eventually be gone. All we can do is record our history and culture, and hope that those records are preserved, so we may be remembered in the future. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Over the last few years, I’ve read a good few articles about Ireland’s escalating erosion rates and how many historic monuments and heritage sites wouldn’t be saved from falling into the sea. I hope that the wonderful Mussended Temple won’t be one of them, but given how close to the edge it is, who knows the future of it. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it. It’s a fantastic place to visit as between the coastal settlements of Castlerock and Downhill there is an extraordinary richness of place. Here you have vast beaches, a classic railway tunnel, rugged sea cliffs, and several iconic buildings including the clifftop Mussenden Temple. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The coastal scenery is stunning. What a beautiful spot to build a library (minus the erosion of course). It’s neat to hear how it even had a secret chamber and that it was heated by a fire burning in the basement underneath.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Linda 🙂 Musendedn Temple is one of the most iconic landmarks on Northern Ireland’s north coast, and I am so glad we had a chance to finally explore it this summer. This area is very impressive and it was great to spend half a day slowly walking around the site. With amazing views down to the beach and across to the Donegal peninsula, it was a great opportunity for spectacular photos. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Marion 🙂 I am glad to hear you’ve been to the demense – the temple perched on the cliff is iconic and quite a unique sight to behold. I tried tio imagine what the buildings must’ve been like before they fell into disrepair. Thanks for stopping by, and have a goodd ay 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Tying the knot in an 18th-century temple overlooking the Irish Sea, with Italian-inspired interiors and an incredible vantage point for jaw-dropping images would all make for a pretty memorable wedding day. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day. Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. One hopes that the cliff will not erode further – it’s such a beautiful temple with a lovely view (I can understand why weddings are held there – just think of the incredible wedding photos). As I look at your photo of the train, I just realise once again how green it is in Ireland.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Set on a cliff edge with panoramic ocean views, Mussenden Temple is a simply incredible wedding venue in Northern Ireland, Corna. We love it for its awe-inspiring panoramic views of the North Coast as you can enjoy the scene of blue skies and blue shores, accompanied by the relaxing ambience of the waves rolling in and out of the beaches. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day. Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it, dear Luisa.  The wonderful Mussenden temple is an iconic landmark in Northern Ireland and is instantly recognisable to anyone in the country. Having the opportunity to have your wedding day somewhere so intimate and enveloped in history is would be priceless. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day. Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. If you love travelling by train, you would love Northern Ireland as one of the world’s most beautiful train rides is located in the country. You can sit back, relax and take the slow route from Londonderry to Dublin via Belfast or vice versa. It takes around 5 hours in one journey. Still, it’s best to take your time and stop along the way – there’s Coleraine — the oldest human settlement in Ireland — and Portrush, with its beautiful beaches, and Northern Ireland’s capital, Belfast. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day. Aiva xx


  6. I love your Ireland posts, Aiva. They inspire me to put returning for another visit on the list. This place looks fascinating, and then i could end the day with a Bushmill’s Honey Whiskey.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you kindly, Bernie, I am glad you enjoyed it. I always recommend visiting the Mussendedn Temple – not only there’s a temple and coastal views, but also manicured, colourful gardens and beautiful, photogenic ruins of Hezlett House at your fingertips. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day. Aiva xx


    1. Thank you kindly 🙂 The Emerald Isle is fantastic for hiking, discovering castles, eating seafood and sipping on whiskey. On top of the many buzzing cities, you could also explore the natural wonders and quaint villages that make up the countryside. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you like it. This place is picturesque from any angle, rain or shine and because of the location, the perfect photos are a breeze. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx


    1. Mussended Temple is one of the most beautiful buildings in Northern Ireland with a fascinating history and a teetering future. We were glad to explore it on such a sunny summer day and get a spectacular view along Benone Strand right out to Magilligan Point. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it, Allison. We are fortunate to have many iconic landmarks within a few hours from where we live and Mussendedn Temple is one of them. It is a spectacular location worth visiting and exploring. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Well, the wealthy Bishop knew what he was doing, building a library and a mansion there. The National Trust thinks that if needed, it would be possible to physically move the temple back from the cliff edge by lifting it on a series of jacks and rolling it back from the cliff edge. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx


    1. It’s a wonderful place to visit where visitors can enjoy stunning cliff-top walks and spectacular views westwards over Downhill Strand. We were fortunate to have a sunny day for exploring the vast demense and had a great time doing it. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 AIiva xx


    1. You would love the rugged coast of Northern Ireland, Jo. With open windswept cliff-top walks and fabulous views that stretch over the whole of the North Coast of Ireland, it is a fantastic place to visit, especially as it isn’t as busy as other parts of Europe. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I would love to travel right now, love reading your traveling adventures and your photos are always so beautiful. I have a huge historic home project my husband and I are working on, so we just take little road trips for now. Thank you for sharing another beautiful area out there, we need to see more beauty in life. Safe and Happy traveling adventures to you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment. I am glad you enjoyed the post. This year, we are taking shorter trip closer to home. Not only are we discovering new and amazing places but also avoiding tired kids, the time zones, early morning flights, long travel days, lost luggage or complicated trip logistics. which is nice for a change. Best of luck with your history project, it sounds amazing. Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful day 🙂 Aiva xx


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